Thursday, 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all our members and supporters.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Wiltshire meets Westminster 18.11.09

Two members of the Wiltshire Branch at the Parliament Square protest

Thursday, 29 October 2009




George Monbiot (Guardian newspaper and environment campaigner)
Peter Facey (Director: Unlock Democracy)
Paul Kingsnorth (author of 'Real England: The Battle against the Bland')
David Wildgoose (vice-chairman The Campaign for an English Parliament)
Chair: Scilla Cullen
It is eleven years since the 1998 devolution legislation. Scotland and Wales now have their own Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly. They have forged ahead since, re-creating and expanding their own distinct national identities and achieving major benefits and advantages for their peoples. But England has got nothing from devolution. Why should English students pay tuition fees and emerge from university laden with debt while Scottish students don't? Why should Welsh people pay no prescription charges while English people do? England still has no constitutional existence of its own and no national institution of any kind as 'a forum where the concerns of the nation can be debated' (the Welsh White paper). England is disadvantaged. The situation is gravely unjust to the people of England. Scottish MPs can now take part in legislation that concerns England only, can even be ministers of departments which deal only with England, without being accountable to any electorate. The Union is dangerously unbalanced. There are massive cultural, environmental and political issues involved. From many angles the people of England are being left out and overlooked. It is a situation that cannot continue. Nor should it. The Union should be a Union of equals or it is no Union.'

We are looking for an open debate. We want your contribution.
Anyone wishing to attend please phone Scilla Cullen (CEP ChaIrman) on: 01438 833155 or email:

Monday, 6 July 2009

Scottish Professor and Welsh MP say the people of England do not want parity

In the last week we have had a Scottish Professor and an Welsh MP telling us that there is no enthusiasm for an English Parliament during the BBC's celebration of 10 Years of Devolution.

Apart from blatantly ignoring opinion polls to the contrary, it is none of their business.

They speak for countrys whose populace has been asked if it wants a national body to represent it while the people of England are persistantly denied the same opportunity.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

52% of people in Wales would vote for the Welsh assembly to have full law-making powers

It was reported on BBC News tonight that 52% of people in Wales would vote for the Welsh assembly to have full law-making powers.

I hope they are not holding their breath in anticipation.

BBC News reported on 26.01.07 that Newsnight found 61% of people in England supported an English Parliament.

Who took any notice of this opinion poll? Certainly not the Labour Government who continue to ignore the will of the people at every turn.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Parliament Square Demonstration

Members of the Campaign for an English Parliament gathering in Parliament Square today for their regular demonstration during which they handed out leaflets and by their presence prompted a teacher from a school to explain to his charges about a proposed English Parliament and its difference to the UK one.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

The Local View

I attended a meeting of the Bradford and District Senior Citizens Forum on Friday evening and the topic for discussion was council tax and the prospective parliamentary candidates for the Chippenham constituency outlined their respective policies.
When asked if they thought that under an English Parliament Wiltshire would get a fairer share of the central government funding pot there were some interesting, if on occasion predictable, responses.
David McQueen, Green Party Press Officer, standing in for Mark Fletcher, stated that He supported the idea but was in favour of the Swiss model. He felt there should be more power to the regions but the decision will be made by the people of England.
Duncan Hames, Liberal Democrat, admitted that an English Parliament was a big issue. He could see the attraction of the proposal but tended to follow the party line on regions.
Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones, Conservative, didn't think that it would matter as Wiltshire will always suffer.
Jason Hughes, North Wiltshire Labour candidate, standing in for Nicholas Thomas-Symonds, asked in a derogatory tone, where do you draw the line, Scotland, Northern England? I drew his attention to the fact that the Labour Government had already drawn the lines with the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly!

Saturday, 24 January 2009

There is more to the reduction in the number of MPs than money!

David Cameron has proposed to reduce the number of MPs in the UK parliament by 60. Everyone seems to have pounced on the monetary savings this would make and how popular this move would be with the public.

To me there is much, much more to this proposal than money and I agree with John Leonard who writes "It is this diminishing of our democracy that is my main objection against any such proposals. Such proposals are anti-democratic.What David Cameron and Nick Clegg, more extremely before him, have proposed is the reduction of the nation’s national democratically elected representation whilst retaining the same amount, if not more power in the Conservatives' case (with the speculative repatriation of powers from Europe), of power at the highest level. Such a distillation of power by nature encourages Parliamentary elitism, encourages further distancing of the representatives from the electorate and dilutes the voters’ democratic influence. In short, it is political centralism and furthermore can be perceived as serving only the major political parties and not the electorate".

It is my own understanding, that because the number of Scottish seats was reduced to coerce the UK Parliament into agreeing to the establishment of the Scottish Parliament, there is to be no reduction in Scottish MPs but 10 seats are to go in Wales and the remaining 50 seats are to go in England. England, already in democratic deficit when compared to the other UK countries with their own assembly or parliament, is it would appear, yet again to lose out in the democracy stakes.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Ooops! He's done it again . . . . .

Tory leader David Cameron was on Tyneside yesterday (09.01.09) fielding questions from the public>

One member of the audience complained of the huge differences between services in the North East and Scotland.
She complained that free prescriptions, university tuition and care for the elderly in England should be a priority issue for any Cameron Government.
Mr Cameron responded: “I don’t want to do anything that will encourage a sense of English nationalism and distance between the two countries.”

Can you please tell me David, why it is perfectly alright to celebrate Scotland and all things Scottish but to excercise the same celebration of England and all things English is not to be encouraged?

Why, because I am a resident in England, should I be expected to quietly put up with being a second class citizen within the United Kingdom? You are quick to condemn the lack of democracy in other countries but it seems you are only too willing to turn a blind eye to the democratic inequality that is taking place in your own back yard.

Please do not forget that the majority of seats the Conservative Party gained at the last general election it did so with votes from English constituents.