Tuesday, 26 February 2008

EDM 1037

It is interesting to note that 52 MPs have signed an Early Day Motion objecting to the reporting of Nick Robinson of the BBC.

This is just 3 more than signed EDM 670, EDM 266 and EDM 1319 combined, all of which relate to English governance and identity.

Perhaps there is some irony in the fact that 6 of the MPs who signed EDM 1037 are from constiuencies in Scotland

Thursday, 21 February 2008

What a niggle!

So, according to Ken Clarke, the West Lothian Question is a niggle and it is OK for Wales and Scotland to have a sense of seperate identity but not England.

Perhaps he should take note of the YouGov poll which shows that members of the Consrvative Party, more than those of Labour or the Lib Dems, consider themselves to be primarily English.

Hopefully, for his sake, they are the average Englishmen he mentions and think that Westminster is the English Parliament.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Berwick Poll

So, Christine Grahame thinks Westminster should take heed of the ballot that took place in Berwick on Tweed which indicated that 60 percent of the population want the Scottish border moved south to include them.

Why does she think that Westminster will take any more notice of this poll when several polls by MORI and ICM show that more than 65 percent of those questions want an English Parliament?

Perhaps as this issue is relating to our PMs native country it will receive a sympathetic hearing where as demands for an English Parliament fall on deaf ears.

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Public Meeting

If you are in the Trowbridge area on Monday 18th February, the Wiltshire Branch of the CEP are holding a public meeting at St. James Church Hall, Union Street at 7.30 pm. Why not come to the meeting and find out more?

‘The Democratic Imperative’

Below is an extract from and the conclusion of the Speech by the Foreign Secretary David Miliband given at the Aung San Suu Kyi Lecture: ‘The Democratic Imperative’ on 12 February 2008

This speech was referring to the plight of Burma.

“I will argue that we should back demands among citizens for more freedom and power over their lives – whether that is reforming established democracies, or supporting transitions to democracy”.

“When it awarded the Nobel peace prize to Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Committee said in its citation that it wanted "to show its support for the many people through the world who are striving to attain democracy, human rights and ethnic conciliation by peaceful means”.I would like to echo that sentiment today. I believe democracy can take root in all societies. I hope and believe that, in time, it will. The equal worth of human beings, their equal right to independence and self-government, requires no less. And all those brave people who are fighting to gain tomorrow the democracies that we, in the lucky, rich nations of the world are blessed with today, deserve our support. Not just in words, but in deeds”.

Spare a thought for England too David, not in quite the same situation as Burma, but the only country in the western world without a parliament or assembly of its own.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Press Release: England outraged by Scottish attempt to grab English territory


CEP: England outraged by Scottish attempt to grab English territory
Monday, 11 Feb 2008 08:33

The members of the Campaign for an English Parliament will resist with might and main the attempt being made by the Scottish Nationalist Party to grab Berwick on Tweed which has been part of England since the 13th century - over 700 years- and make it part of Scotland.

Scottish Nationalist Member of the Scottish Parliament Chrstine Grahame supported by fellow SNP members is lodging a vote in the Scottish Parliament in support of this land-grab.

Already the Scottish Parliament has claimed rights over all English rivers such as the River Till in Northumberland which flow into the River Tweed, even though the Tweed is the boundary river between the two nations of England and Scotland and belongs to neither. And the Scottish Parliament has been able to move southwards the boundary between England and Scotland which till devolution has always run along the very centre of the Solway Firth. To date the United Kingdom Government with its Scottish Prime Minister and Scottish Chancellor of the Exchequer has done nothing to stop these successive land grabs.

"The Scots are stirring up a hornets' nest of real trouble within the United Kingdom with these policies. And we will take them on," stated Scilla Cullen, Chairman of the Campaign. "The people of England will not put up with any more of it. Already Wales has been given the English county of Monmouthshire and even a part of the city of Chester in what is the county of Cheshire. It is already intolerable that devolution for Scotland has granted it huge benefits denied to England such as free university education, free personal care for the elderly, free prescriptions, as much as £1500 more spent on each Scot per annum than on any person in England and access to cancer drugs not obtainable in England. What the Scots are doing is sowing the seeds of real anger and dissension within the Union. They are sowing the wind. If they try to grab Berwick, it will be the Union that will reap the whirwind'

End of press release.