Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Press Release: England outraged by Scottish attempt to grab English territory


CEP: England outraged by Scottish attempt to grab English territory
Monday, 11 Feb 2008 08:33

The members of the Campaign for an English Parliament will resist with might and main the attempt being made by the Scottish Nationalist Party to grab Berwick on Tweed which has been part of England since the 13th century - over 700 years- and make it part of Scotland.

Scottish Nationalist Member of the Scottish Parliament Chrstine Grahame supported by fellow SNP members is lodging a vote in the Scottish Parliament in support of this land-grab.

Already the Scottish Parliament has claimed rights over all English rivers such as the River Till in Northumberland which flow into the River Tweed, even though the Tweed is the boundary river between the two nations of England and Scotland and belongs to neither. And the Scottish Parliament has been able to move southwards the boundary between England and Scotland which till devolution has always run along the very centre of the Solway Firth. To date the United Kingdom Government with its Scottish Prime Minister and Scottish Chancellor of the Exchequer has done nothing to stop these successive land grabs.

"The Scots are stirring up a hornets' nest of real trouble within the United Kingdom with these policies. And we will take them on," stated Scilla Cullen, Chairman of the Campaign. "The people of England will not put up with any more of it. Already Wales has been given the English county of Monmouthshire and even a part of the city of Chester in what is the county of Cheshire. It is already intolerable that devolution for Scotland has granted it huge benefits denied to England such as free university education, free personal care for the elderly, free prescriptions, as much as £1500 more spent on each Scot per annum than on any person in England and access to cancer drugs not obtainable in England. What the Scots are doing is sowing the seeds of real anger and dissension within the Union. They are sowing the wind. If they try to grab Berwick, it will be the Union that will reap the whirwind'

End of press release.


Unknown said...

Isn't it the people of Berwick themselves, with a large Scottish cultural awareness, who are merely looking at joining Scotland - given the better public services etc. offered them by Edinburgh? Put it to the people, not your dogma. While you ponder that, how about prompting the 600 or so ENGLISH MPs in Westminster to chase your parliament?

Oh - the history thing. Pretty sure it was a Scottish port, which - being too successful - was stolen by the English after one of the worst incidents of medieval genocide on record? Yes?

WessexMan said...

Theres plenty of English awareness,& culture in lowland Scotland & come to that the world language,enjoyed by all countries large & small! re the genocide is that the famous Mad king Robert who use to burn his prisoners or the routing of numerous Scottish invasions & the capture of king David ! all a bit pathetic scots bitter & twisted

Unknown said...

Please - spare us all the 'Scots were set on invading England for their own purposes' nonsense. Scotland, then - fought for its survival as a nation - against its own (siding with Plantagenets) and against that very brutal psychopath Edward I...

...yes, brutal times indeed - but even medieval chroniclers were aghast at the barbarity the English army inflicted on some 8,000 - 15,000 civilians. Woman and children, put to the sword in unspeakable ways. All because the Scottish army was DEFENDING the country. Not aware of any Scottish atrocities of that magnitude. Perhaps you could enlighten us - or better still, show the tiniest little bit of humility and admit that the history of Berwick leaves England little to be proud of?

All in the past, but that doesn't give you the right to gloss over it - whilst barking on about 'English' territory. Now that's pathetic. And insensitive. And pretty ****** stupid.

Leave it to the people.

WessexMan said...

England i am proud of...are not the Scots from Ireland,warring with all! with war clouded legends,untruths,myths,for the gullible to hang onto,even incorperate into a hollywood film for prats to relive these wars,& especially for the bitter & twisted

WessexMan said...

I see bitter & twisted there is identical rant on every blog on the cep sites,........when England gets its Parliament yes that little Barnett Bonanza will be removed,billions to remain in England. Englands Hands tied behind our backs at the moment! but just like any restriction eventually you break FREE!a change is gonna come!...dont you worry!

Unknown said...

Wessexman, you're clearly a sandwich short of a picnic basket. No idea why your banging on about Scots from Ireland, Braveheart?? etc. What's that got to do with this thread?

Try and concentrate on my mail, which you seem to be avoiding...

'..even medieval chroniclers were aghast at the barbarity the English army inflicted on some 8,000 - 15,000 civilians. Woman and children, put to the sword in unspeakable ways. All because the Scottish army was DEFENDING the country. Not aware of any Scottish atrocities of that magnitude. Perhaps you could enlighten us - or better still, show the tiniest little bit of humility and admit that the history of Berwick leaves England little to be proud of?

All in the past, but that doesn't give you the right to gloss over it - whilst barking on about 'English' territory. Now that's pathetic. And insensitive. And pretty ****** stupid...'

Now, I trust this time you'll read it? Though, given your apparent command of the English language, I doubt it.

I fully support the English parliament, as do most Scots. Your point, again, is what exactly?

What a numskull.

WessexMan said...

you are sounding like you were there,what you have read from a book ,what is handed down over 1000yrs ,is not Fact!a pathetic past which you are part of! Scottish propaganda, you are a prat!repeating yourself.

Unknown said...

So that's it! You actually deny the history??

I'm assuming then, your novel take on history is correct? [older, as it is].

You are hilarious! Scottish propaganda! Hohohoho.

Shows how 'bitter and twisted' you really are - as the sack of Berwick is KNOWN and ACCEPTED in England just as much as Scotland.

Wow - what a paranoid maniac! ;o)

One can only hope CEP has better folk than you!

YES to an English parliament!

No to your denial, half-wit.

Unknown said...

Yep - sack of Berwick happened. One of the most cold blooded episodes in the history of the islands, and a purely aggressive English slaughter. Give it a rest Wessex.

As it happens, it should go to the people - and they will vote against. Berwick will stay part of England.

And democracy wins!

WessexMan said...

you invited yourselfs on!& if you dont like my free speech! tough with your aggressive rants,of 1000 years ago History,lesson .....you wont get any where,with anyone by shouting the odds! ....there plenty of blogs where your get total agreement! but not here!......go & find them

Unknown said...

Now *there* is a sound command of the English language!

Round of applause for Wessex everyone!!

Moron. ;o)

WessexMan said...

childish insults,pathetic goodbye!

The objectiveness of the CEP from my point view. is to secure a party of Politicians within England,vote them into power to represent,all the People of England,for them to democracticlly,(referendrums & votes) build a constitutional bill of rights. policies ,modern day laws.etc
Establish an English Parliament within the U.K.drop all this British rubbish,(it is clouding many issues)& concentrate on giving the English a voice!
I have felt for along time we English,get taken for granted,the Politicians,who i have somewhat to a point trusted,in the running of the country & its affairs,aspirations, are completely detached from the general Public. I blame getting involved with Europe it has been a expensive disaster for ENGLAND,everyone else is on a high,& we are paying! the other is politicians in for personnel gain,i mean overseas policies !they are all off on one. Investments, Dodgy Trading,own interests!etc, concentrate on England,leaving us behind,with mounting running costs,the country in a mess....& for some time now,the politics of today,are being run by outdated parties & ideas,it should be back to ground level,politics of the people,modern people,not past politics,if it costs alot,we want value,quality of life, fair share for all. No more British govt, no more inequality for England JUSTICE FOR ENGLAND !

Unknown said...

Actually Wessex - I agree with you, centrally at least.

England *is* getting a rough deal at the moment and yes, you can lay the blame for that at the feet of this whole British thing.

Of course, the other home nations have been aware of this for decades, and were accused of being whingers.

Post devolution politics means that that England, now, can also experience first hand the inequalities of an awful construct - the union.

In any case, I believe CEP is doing good work in asking the questions that focus on the foundations of any union that allows such inequalities to exist.

However, you can't simply shut out the international community. Rather, you should seek to build up, in the way you envision, liaising with other countries - whilst strengthening your own agenda. There is much to be gained here. Space research for example. There is little to be gained in shutting the borders to Europe in a heavy handed way, it would certainly NOT fix the HUGE problems England has to deal with just now...

...so, a parliament for England is very much required. Most Scots wont deny you this. However, this 'British' lot [Brown and co.] play the card to their own agenda.

Attack THEM and their duplicity, keep the history rewrites and the jingoism for the pub.

WessexMan said...

No-one is saying, slam doors,or non communication,this would be very un-English,taking into account, of the Centuries in trading & goodwill,which has been created,that would be making life difficult for yourself.I say before 1974 we were trading with the free world,Exports were considerably more, re manufacturing, than today, imports possible lower,fluctuation either way from year to year was the norm.The economy on the positive side(apart from a miners strike & power cuts)yet again yearly fluctuation,so the U.K.grows in the next 30yrs manufacturing decreases,& the govt of the day starts shipping money into Europe,we all work harder,pay more,inequality takes hold,freedoms, & Englands voice,are being denied,there is no two ways about it,discrimination has a foothold, in our English lives,from council tax to cancer treatment,student fees to schools & meals,the govt turns a blind eye! & refuses to hear or even acknowledge any requests from Englishmen& Englishwomen,for our National Day,our National flag,our National anthem,even our National music festival the Proms is being hijacked,we openly share with all nations! but we still want to retain our precious indeviduality & identity..That our human rights!